THCV vs Delta 8 | CBD Origin

THCV vs Delta 8
How To Grow Weed 420

The federal legalization of hemp in 2018 has opened many doors to exploring the world of cannabinoids and their effects on the human body and mind. Furthermore, the state-by-state changes in the legalization of cannabis have opened the floodgates even more. Nowadays, it’s challenging to complete a day of errands, whether on-premise shopping or internet orders, without seeing CBD, THC, CBG, CBN, or any kind of cannabinoid product advertised. And if you’re anything like me, this can all seem a little overwhelming. 

There are more than one hundred different cannabinoids, and researchers are still eagerly researching what they do and don’t know and how best to use those cannabinoids to stay healthy. So if you feel overwhelmed or under-informed, you’re not alone. New studies are being published all the time, making the cannabinoid world an exciting, evolving scape to be a part of.

And for those who aren’t retailers, researchers, or general purveyors of cannabinoids, it’s still important to stay up to date on the newest cannabinoid and the science behind what it’s being sold to treat or prevent. For that reason, let’s discuss two chemicals that you may have already seen or heard of, how they compare to each other, where they come from, and why you should care about them.

This article is all about THCV and Delta 8 THC.

Bottom Line Up Front: While both THCV and Delta 8 THC have positive potential in the medical field, both need to be further researched before being FDA-approved. Furthermore, while they are both cannabinoids, they differ significantly in where they come from and how they impact the human body. 


THCV stands for Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabivarin, a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. THCV is found primarily in Sativa strains of the cannabis plant. 

It is not federally legal, as cannabis is only legal depending on state laws. 

The difference between a hemp and cannabis plant is that hemp plants contain less than 0.3% THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the chemical responsible for giving users the euphoric feeling of being’ high.’ 

THCV is molecularly similar to THC in structure, but it is different. THCV has a three-carbon group, whereas THC has a five-carbon group. Both THCV and THC are psychoactive drugs, meaning they impact the brain. However, in small doses, THCV in does not create any euphoric effects that THC does. In fact, studies show that THCV works with THC to fight the euphoric feeling of being ‘high,’ making both drugs more medicinal than euphoric. THCV is also found in much smaller doses naturally in Sativa cannabis plants. This makes it more expensive and more complicated to come by. 

The Effects of THCV

Due to the studies tying THCV to reduce appetite, many people call this ‘diet weed’. That’s right, THCV is currently being studied as an appetite-curbing, dieting tool. Users even report that THCV increases energy while decreasing appetite. 

THCV is being studied in connection with appetite suppression, which is the opposite effect of how many THC users feel. Many THC strains increase appetite, making it an excellent compound for people going through chemotherapy or other health issues which create a loss of appetite. THCV, however, functions oppositely. This could make weight loss and the fight against obesity more attainable for many people. 

This element of THCV could also be dangerous in a world already saturated with unrealistic body images and an enormous amount of eating disorders. Nine percent of Americans will have an eating disorder at some point in their life. If you suffer from an eating disorder, I do not recommend THCV. And regardless of your medical history, consulting with a doctor before introducing any new drug into your system is always necessary. 

But THCV is so much more than potential dieting too. THCV is being studied in relief from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and even Parkinson’s Disease. (This makes sense considering that THCV is a psychoactive drug and both of those conditions impact the brain.) These studies show that THCV may be able to slow down the degeneration of the brain. More research is necessary, but the potential is really very exciting! 

More exciting research on the horizon regarding THCV and its medicinal potential isis how THCV affects diabetes, panic attacks, and even bone growth

Pros and Cons of THCV


THCV has enormous potential for a lot of different medical benefits.
THCV has been linked to helping create bone density and introducing collagen to the body, which our bodies cannot produce on their own.
THCV may be able to stop the degeneration of the human brain. 
Further studies with THCV could be the beginning of the end for brain degeneration diseases. 
Because THCV is shown to reduce the feeling of being ‘high’ when paired with THC, the pairing of these two could be beneficial in utilizing the health benefits of THC without the feeling of being ‘high’ as a side-effect. 


There is still a lot of research to be done on the potential medical benefits of THCV.
THCV only comes from the Sativa cannabis plant, which is not legal in many states.
THCV is naturally produced in small amounts, making it hard to come by and expensive.

Where to Buy THCV

Due to the fact that THCV is from the Sativa cannabis plant, you cannot purchase this over the counter. You must buy this from states where marijuana is medically or recreationally legal. 

Delta 8 Tetrhydrocannabidiol

Delta 8 Tetrhydrocannabidiol is a cannabinoidthat can come from either the cannabis or hemp plant, unlike THCV. For this reason, when it is derived from a hemp plant, it is technically federally legal. However, many states still do not allow Delta 8 if marijuana is not permitted because it could be derived from a cannabis plant, not a hemp plant. 

Since Delta 8 is the same no matter what plant it is derived from, having it in your system will cause a failure to pass a drug test. Drug tests are simply not advanced enough to know the difference between hemp-derived and cannabis-derived products. 

Delta 8 is most closely related to the most plentiful of the cannabinoids in hemp and cannabis plant, Delta 9 THC. This is the THC we are all probably most familiar with. It is the THC responsible for the feeling of being’ high .’ Delta 8, however, does not create that same effect to the same intensity level. 

The Effects of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 is a psychoactive drug which means that it impacts the brain. For this reason, users report a euphoric effect, reduced stress and anxiety, and even pain relief. 

More impacts of Delta 8 that have been reported and are still being studied are improving focus and sleep, creating an appetite, reducing pain, and even settling nausea and stopping vomiting. In this sense, you can see how different these two compounds are, despite coming from similar or the same plants and sharing so much in molecular structure. 

Delta 8 THC is a good answer for a ‘daytime high’. It has been reported as creating alertness instead of sedation and overall helping the body maintain homeostasis in how it interacts with the endocannabinoid system. This is a great drug to consider if you’re looking to reduce anxiety but not end up stuck on the couch all day from lethargy as a side-effect. 

Pros and Cons of Delta 8 THC


Delta 8 can be derived from hemp and cannabis plants, making it legal in many states. 
Delta 8 is psychoactive but does not create the intense euphoric feeling of being ‘high’ that we are all probably more familiar with (Delta 9 THC) does. 
A good ‘daytime high’ is reported to create focus and maintain alertness rather than lethargy. 
Moderately priced in the world of hemp and cannabis products. 


Being derived from either hemp or cannabis, Delta 8 should be federally legal if it can be proven that it is hemp-derived. This is not the case, though, and you should check your state’s laws before purchasing Delta 8 or bringing it into your state from another. 

Where to Purchase Delta 8

Since Delta 8 can be derived from either a hemp or cannabis plant, it’s easier to find than THCV products. You just need to be twenty-one or older and live in a state where Delta 8 is legal. Here is a list of some of my favorite Delta 8 products and why.

I’m a massive fan of the Delta 8 vape cartridge from Delta 8 Prime. This has helped me through many anxious moments, particularly during the daytime. It’s a great way to calm anxiety without slowing down the mind. The cartridges have OG Kush, Berry White, and Super Lemon Haze options. All have the exact product specifications; it’s just a question of what flavor you want. (And not for nothing, but their lemon-flavored seltzer is not only yummy, but it also mixes great with cocktails, and it functions as a tremendous mood-mellowing tool too!)

I love the Delta 8 Cigarettes from Exhale Wellness, which has a vast repertoire of unique products. I’m into these because they scratch the itch of wanting a cigarette without all the harmful poisons. 

These cigarettes are all hemp flower, no cannabis. You can buy them online (if you’re over twenty-one and living in a state where Delta 8 is legal), and I highly recommend them.  

3Chi raised the bar with creative ways to consume Delta 8 when they created their Delta 8 Cereal Treats. These are yummy and effective with 50 milligrams of Delta 8. The recommended serving size is between a quarter to a whole bar, so consume responsibly!

The Similarities and Differences of THCV and Delta 8 THC


Both are psychoactive drugs (meaning they impact the brain).
Both can be derived from the cannabis plant.
Both have medicinal potential to help keep our bodies in homeostasis in very different and essential ways. 
Both reduce inflammation. 


THCV only comes from the Sativa cannabis plant.
Delta 8 can come from either the cannabis or hemp plant.
Delta 8 has been reported to calm anxiety, reduce inflammation and pain, and offer a euphoric feeling of being ‘high’. 
THCV in a small dose does not create a feeling of being ‘high’ and can, in fact, counteract that feeling when paired with THC. 
THCV can help with conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s’. At the same time, Delta 8 is a more mental-state-focused drug to reduce anxiety and create alertness.
THCV reduces appetite.
Delta 9 increases appetite.   

FAQs About THCV vs. Delta 8

Question: Does THCV Get you ‘High’?

Answer: THCV can get you ‘high’, but it takes a significant amount to do so. It isn’t generally known for getting you ‘high’ despite being psychoactive. It’s more known right now for reducing appetite and the enormous potential for aiding in the cure of diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer’s. (In fact, THCV has been shown to reduce the feeling of being ‘high’ that you get from THC when paired with THC.)

Question: Does Delta 8 Get you ‘High’?

Answer: Delta 8 is psychoactive but referred to as Delta 9’s ‘less intense younger sibling’. In short, yes, but definitely not as ‘high’ as Delta 9. 

Question: Which Drug do you Recommend for Anxiety?

Answer: You should consult your doctor before introducing any new drug to your routine. Even though cannabinoids are natural and our body produces its own, they may interact with other medications your on and/or pre-existing conditions. That being said, for my anxiety, I prefer Delta 8 over any other cannabinoid. It has been a life-changer for me.

Question: Why Take Delta 8 Instead of THCV?

Answer: It depends on the effects you’re trying to achieve. If you’re going through an illness that’s reducing your appetite, you should definitely avoid THCV, as it will only make that worse. Delta 8, however, will stimulate your appetite. If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, though, it’s definitely worth asking your doctor about THCV as a treatment option. 

Question: Is THCV Affordable?

Answer: Since THCV is made less plentifully and is only produced by the Sativa cannabis plant, it is more expensive and overall more difficult to find. It will only appear in states where medical and/or recreational marijuana is legal. 

Question: Is Delta 8 Affordable?

Answer: Compared to many other CBD and THC products, Delta 8 is affordable. It isn’t a rare cannabinoid. Since it can be produced by both hemp and cannabis plants, it is more readily available. 

Final Thoughts on THCV vs. Delta 8

While the research is still pouring in, the potential positive impacts of both THCV and Delta 8 are fascinating and promising. But because those impacts are still being studied, you should consult with your doctor before introducing any new drug into your system. 

THCV and Delta 8 are two unique cannabinoids from which we have a lot to learn and hopefully gain. I hope that this article helped you learn more about why these two cannabinoids are essential and why you should keep your eye on new studies and products. 

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