CBD Anti Aging Cream: Advantages, Working & Applications

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If you are still unaware of the CBD & its wholesome benefits, there can be only two reasons— either you are living in the stone age or ignorant! CBD is a premium herb in the 21st century. There can’t be a third reason at all.  The industry is booming with over 50 plus products, including CBD oils, CBD tinctures, CBD balm, CBD anti aging cream etc. Some of CBD’s medicinal benefits include fighting various diseases and disorders such as chronic pain, insomnia, epilepsy, and anxiety, among others.

Over the last decade, many countries have legalized CBD’s distribution & consumption as they got aware of CBD benefits. Moreover, most people across the world have put aside the stigma attached to CBD and instead made it an important part of their platter.

At present, there are more than 50 CBD products available in the market. Moreover, loads more new products are being innovated daily and are making their way to market.

We can classify those CBD products mainly into six major categories:

A. CBD Supplements: 

Some of the known products contained in this category includes CBD tinctures, CBD inhaler, CBD nasal spray, CBD capsules, CBD softgels, CBD isolates, etc.

B. CBD Edibles: 

Some of the examples of CBD edibles are CBD candies, CBD gummies, CBD chocolates, CBD hummus, CBD lollipop, CBD honey, CBD cereal, CBD mustard, CBD oil, etc.

C. CBD Body Care: 

This category includes CBD massage oil, CBD anti aging cream, CBD bath bombs, CBD lotion, CBD cream, CBD balm, CBD body scrub, CBD deodorant, etc.

D. CBD Smoking: 

Compared to other categories, there are very limited products in the smoking category. It includes CBD vape, CBD joints, CBD Cigarette, etc.

E. CBD Beverages: 

Some of the known products included in this category are CBD coffee, CBD soda, CBD tea, CBD cocktail, etc.

F. CBD Pet Products: 

This category contains CBD pet oil, CBD pet topicals, CBD pet treats, etc.

In short, there are all types of CBD products one can imagine. And if your favorite product is not on the list, don’t worry! Because looking at the research and innovation in the CBD field, we are confident that you will find it very soon on the shelf.

However, it is a fact that— more the products, more the confusion. Therefore, make sure that you buy CBD products from genuine sellers only. Besides, note that no matter where you buy the CBD products— whether you buy CBD oil in Houston or New Jersey or Alabama– the core properties & the advantages remain the same.

In this article, we have explained the in-and-out of CBD anti aging cream. From the reasons behind aging, to what is CBD, how anti aging cream works to CBD anti aging cream advantages. Without much ado, let us begin with what CBD is.

What is CBD?

As you are reading this blog, it is more likely that you know a little bit about CBD— its meaning, products and benefits. However, in case you are a newbie— don’t worry. Let us explain what CBD is. 

CBD is an abbreviation of cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the 113 chemical compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. However, unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)— another popular compound found in the hemp plant, CBD does not possess any psychoactive properties.

Other major differences between CBD and THC are as follows. 

CBD is a non-psychoactive and neuroprotective compound, whereas THC is psychoactive and relaxant.  CBD possesses some qualitative properties such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. These properties are responsible for making the CBD anti aging cream effective in nature. On the other hand, THC creates euphoria and paranoia.  THC creates anxiety on consumption, whereas there are minimal or no side effects of CBD. 

For all these reasons, CBD is a more popular and accepted compound compared to THC. Besides, the law allows less than 0.3% THC amount in CBD products. 

We hope this information has helped you understand the basics of CBD. Now, let us understand– why do we age.

Why Do We Age?

Just the thought of growing older can be scary for many people. Everyone loves to be younger all their life. There are very few among us who love wrinkles and pale skin. Although we can’t stop the aging process, we can certainly slow it down.

It is a well-noted fact that the skin is the one who gets most affected by aging—it loses its ability to restore itself. The skin also loses its power to produce essential protein fibers for the skin that keep it tight and glowing— known as collagen & elastin.

Along with reducing protein generation, skin also loses its ability to produce natural oils, making the skin dry & dull. Moreover, many external factors affect the skin’s health too, such as diet, lifestyle, sunlight exposure, and pollution.

Although we can’t stop aging thoroughly, we can certainly control the damage by working on these external factors. The one such genuine way to fight against aging is– using CBD anti aging cream.

The anti aging cream regenerates the skin, boosts collagen production, and moisturizes the skin. Besides, the antioxidant property of the CBD anti aging cream may also help protect the skin from external damages and reduce the sign of aging.

The next section describes– how anti aging cream works.

How CBD Anti Aging Cream Works?

Growing old is a fact of life. And no one can deny this fact or stop this process. Aging is a combination of two factors: first, bodily damages and second, how we take care of ourselves. 

These are some of the most common signs of aging– the bones get weaker, fatigue increased, and skin loses elasticity and gets pale. CBD anti aging cream may fight against aging skin condition.

Skin can stay firm and stretchy thanks to protein fibers called collagen and elastin. However, environmental factors like smoke and ultraviolet rays from the sun produce the radicals that damage skin cells’ ability to make more of these fibers, which results in wrinkles and leathery skin.

This means, if we can somehow maintain the production of elastin, we can avoid aging. All of the CBD anti aging creams work on the same fundamental. The CBD cream reduces the amount of free radicals and hence controls collagen loss. Also, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD help provide the required nourishment to the skin tissue.

All together will keep the skin glow, youthful, firm, and avoid aging. Also, as mentioned earlier, whether you bought CBD in Texas or California, the core properties of every CBD product remain the same across the globe.

In the following section, we will learn about the top 5 advantages of CBD anti aging cream. 

Advantages of CBD Anti Aging Cream

Skin is the largest organ in the body. It is also the first line of defence that saves your skin against damaging organisms and pollutants. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you take proper care of the skin.

Luckily, CBD anti aging cream can be used as a lone warrior against all these odds as it offers a slew of benefits. From moisturizing skin, fighting acne, reducing oxidative stress, improving blood circulation to promote collagen production.

Besides, as CBD contains the same receptors as the skin, the skin responds really well to the external radicals. By enhancing the production of collagen, it helps to reduce sebum production. (Sebum is responsible for acne). Besides, it also fights bacteria and reduces inflammation. 

Let us understand each of the advantages in detail. 

A.  CBD Anti Aging Cream Moisturize the skin

CBD contains two major types of fatty acids— Omega 3 and Omega 6. Both of these acids boost the production of collagen— a protein that provides structure to the skin. The acids also help in preventing water loss in the skin. When you apply CBD anti aging cream, it accelerates oil secretion in sebaceous glands, helping treat dry skin. This will help the skin remain hydrated and firm. 

The CBD anti aging cream either confines moisture in the skin or restores moisture in its outer layer. Besides, CBD has minimal or zero side effects, making it an ultimate skin care product to fight against aging.

B.  CBD Anti Aging Cream Prevents Acne

Acne is a major skin disease that mostly occurs during puberty or early in adolescence. Acne can have many causes— blocked skin pores, inflammation, excess sebum etc. However, no medicine or cream is 100% effective in controlling acne disease. Though, CBD can do wonders in case of acne too.

Various studies organized between 2014 and 2019 found that CBD regulates sebum growth— an oily substance found on the skin. The same studies have also found that CBD oil also stimulates the anti-inflammatory reactions in cells, thereby limiting lipids’ production (Proteins that regulate inflammation).

For all these reasons, CBD can also prove to be an effective medicine in curing acne.

C.  CBD Anti Aging Cream Fights Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress can be defined as the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in your body. The cause of oxidative stress can be anything from obesity, smoking, pollution to exposure to pesticides. We require antioxidants to neutralize the impact of free radicals.

Various studies conducted by pharmaceutical companies and research bodies also found that the CBD blocks the activation of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and ROS formation. This blockade ultimately boosts the endocannabinoid system, which reduces oxidative stress, free radicals and inflammation.

Less oxidative stress improves skin health and thereby helps fight the aging process. 

D.  CBD Anti Aging Cream Improves Blood Circulation

CBD may also improve blood circulation. One of the most common reasons behind acne or dry skin is poor blood circulation. With age, the blood circulation slows down as a result of reduced functions of blood capillaries. This ultimately leads to reducing the creation of skin tightening proteins— collagen.

Therefore, for smooth and glowing skin, it is required that blood efficiently circulates across the body.

The CBD anti aging cream travels through the skin, open arteries and provides higher blood flow. The better blood flow may improve skin health and bring a youthful glow to the skin.

E.  CBD Anti Aging Cream Promotes Collagen Production 

Scientists have also found that CBD anti aging cream promotes collagen production. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It can be found in bones, muscles, skin and tendons. Collagen is the substance that holds together the body. The CBD not only improves the production of collagen, but it also keeps the skin clean, firm and glowing.

The fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 also play a vital role in collagen formation. More the amount of collagen, the healthier the skin. 

These were the top 5 benefits of CBD anti aging cream. In synergy, they develop a firm, soft and glowing skin and ultimately slow down the aging signs.


Although aging is a natural process, and we can’t prevent it altogether, we can certainly slow it down and thereby reduce the aging signs. Along with other CBD products like CBD oil, CBD anti aging cream can also be a potent skin topical in dimming the aging symptoms. However, it is advised to contact a doctor before you consume or use any CBD products.

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